{"id":739,"date":"2015-07-29T03:38:08","date_gmt":"2015-07-29T03:38:08","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/cancerawarenessnews.com\/?p=739"},"modified":"2015-07-31T19:18:24","modified_gmt":"2015-07-31T19:18:24","slug":"wow-warning-for-those-undergoing-air-travel","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/cancerawarenessnews.com\/wow-warning-for-those-undergoing-air-travel\/","title":{"rendered":"WOW!! Health Warning for Anyone Traveling By Air"},"content":{"rendered":"

Air travel warrants health risks from poisonous noxious gasses, oil fumes and pesticides!<\/h3>\n

We are living in the age of mass global travel. Growing prosperity<\/a> and cheaper air fares mean record numbers of us have the freedom to take to the skies. But it is clear that the price of this freedom is our health. \u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

When it comes to passenger safety, media interest usually focuses on the drama of air crashes. The reality is, however, that the threat lurking within the aircraft cabin is just as worrying.<\/span><\/p>\n


The tragic case of Emma Christoffersen, the 28-year-old bride-to-be who collapsed and died after a 20-hour flight<\/strong> from Australia to London, has graphically illustrated that.<\/span><\/p>\n

It is precisely because air travel is so ferociously competitive that airlines are under such enormous commercial pressure to reduce costs wherever possible. This has led to cramped conditions and poor air quality which have important health implications<\/a> for passengers.<\/span><\/p>\n

In the U.S., for instance – where such statistics are carefully collated – there are around 14,000 medical emergencies a year<\/strong> and 350 in-flight deaths on the nine major U.S. airlines<\/em><\/strong>. This far outnumbers the annual toll of deaths caused by air accidents.<\/span><\/p>\n

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)<\/strong>, the condition that killed the apparently otherwise healthy Emma Christoffersen, is one of the most common<\/strong> and disturbing medical problems associated with air travel.<\/span><\/p>\n
