VIDEO: Integrating Cancer Treatments To Boost Survival & Prevent Cancer.<\/h3>\n For many people with cancer, the issue is getting as much relevant information as fast as possible. But where do you start? Many trawl the web looking for the latest information, not just on drugs, but on \u00b4treatments\u00b4 they can use to help themselves – like diet, exercise and other complementary They want to create their own personal \u00b4treatment\u00b4 package around their doctor\u00b4s recommendations. Two out of three cancer patients use a complementary therapy and the same number take supplements.<\/p>\n
If this is you, then this is your website.<\/p>\n
We want to help you increase your personal odds of survival<\/p>\n
In 2012 the American Cancer Society produced a report stating that since 2006 there has been an \u00b4explosion\u00b4 in research into complementary therapies.<\/p>\n
Importantly, the report (now endorsed by top American cancer organisation, the National Cancer Institute) went on to make an incredibly important point: The report stated that there was \u00b4overwhelming evidence\u00b4 that diet, exercise and weight control could INCREASE SURVIVAL, and even KEEP YOU CANCER-FREE.<\/p>\n
We think you should know this. We\u00b4ve been telling patients this for 10 years. But then, we have covered the research – For example, in 2009 The Block Center for Integrative Medicine covered research showing that women with metastatic cancer who used Complementary and Integrative Cancer Treatment Programmes survived twice as long as those who didn\u00b4t.<\/p>\n
The CANCER active website is different. It\u00b4s a magazine on the web. Why? Because all the articles on this website have appeared in icon (Integrated Cancer and Oncology News), our unique magazine that is available free in over 640 hospitals and cancer centres in the UK. Over 150 oncologists and doctors have aired their views in icon. The major UK cancer hospitals all request copies.<\/p>\n
We also have a Medical Board including not just doctors and oncologists, but also experts in nutrition, diet, exercise like yoga and T\u00b4ai Chi and other complementary therapies including stress management and Chinese Medicine. Plus on this website you will find articles and interviews with top oncologists exploring alternative cancer treatments like dendritic cell therapy, ablatherm (HiFu) and virotherapy.<\/p>\n
We want to empower you<\/strong><\/p>\nAnd so we cover more subjects, and in an easy-to-read style:<\/p>\n
1.<\/strong> Orthodox Medical Treatments: At CANCERactive, of course we cover all the latest drugs, the latest advances in radiotherapy and surgery.<\/p>\nBut we dont stop there. We want to enable you to make more informed, personal choices about what goes in to your individual treatment programme.<\/p>\n
So we also give you comprehensive research information on:<\/p>\n
2.<\/strong> Complementary therapies, from acupuncture to hands-on-healing, and from a healthy cancer diet to stress management. Therapies you can use to build yourself a Complementary and Integrative Cancer Treatment Programme around your Doctor\u00b4s more orthodox medicine.<\/p>\nIntegrative cancer centers in America build their programmes including Diet, exercise, weight control, supplements and stress management therapies.<\/p>\n
Consider this – in 2012, researchers from the NCI reported research on cancer stem cells (which seem to be at the core of tumours) and they showed that certain foods encouraged their growth, whilst other foods stopped them re-growing. You will find the research in Cancer Watch – including the natural compounds they recommended.<\/p>\n
3.<\/strong> \u00b4Alternative\u00b4 cancer treatments. We cover about twelve of the most important \u00b4alternative cancer therapies\u00b4 that patients consistently ask us about. The Internet is a difficult place for a cancer patient. Cancer websites will either ignore alternative therapies, or applaud them. Neither route is particularly helpful. You need to know what these treatments are supposed to do, and then be told clearly whether – or not – there is research to support them.<\/p>\nWe also make it clear if these therapies are controversial, or if they are on their way to being established as mainstream medicine; \u00b4tomorrow\u00b4s treatments today\u00b4. Often we have articles featuring some of Britain or America\u00b4s top oncologists talking about them. Like HIFU, Dendritic Cell Therapy, Virotherapy, PDT, the Cyberknife, Brachytherapy, fasting and cancer, Hyperbaric Oxygen, the Ketogenic diet and more!<\/p>\n
We feel it is important you have objective and balanced information that you can trust, without hidden agendas or vested interests. And we do our level best to deliver this.<\/p>\n
Research and evidence led<\/p>\n
Let\u00b4s be clear. CANCERactive features research every month from around the world in Cancer Watch. Our Medical Board includes doctors and oncology experts plus specialists on various complementary therapies. Many articles are written by oncologists from the UK and abroad, or are interviews with them. Our reviews are all research-based, often including the research references (where they don\u00b4t get in the way of easy reading!) Many references can be found in Cancer Watch anyway.<\/p>\n
We communicate with patients and cancer centres continuously. For example, in 2011\/2 The Royal Marsden requested our help to publicise a clinical trial; the same centre of excellence has just taken a record number of icon magazines, as do oncologists at Christie\u00b4s, Addenbrook\u00b4s and most of the London cancer centres. When we need an article on complementary therapies we compile it from research or we go to an expert source like Penny Brohn, or The Haven. If the article is about an alternative cancer treatment we go to the Karolinska, Duke\u00b4s in Carolina, UCH in London; in other words, we go to the experts working on it.<\/p>\n
Frankly, the people who say that all complementary and alternative therapies have no research to support them, or that they are dangerous quackery are talking ignorant nonsense. Sadly, these people do exist, and their presence and criticism just comes between cancer patients and increasing survival times!<\/p>\n
Worse still, they are simply out of date: In America some 37% of hospitals have \u00b4treating mind body and soul\u00b4 in their mission statements; the National Cancer Institute has over 35 pages on \u00b4Energy Therapies\u00b4, UCLA have conducted many studies on Stress Management concluding that it improves survival times significantly; and Cancer Centers like MD Anderson in Texas focus on Complementary and Integrative Medicine as the best treatment methodology.<\/p>\n
ENLIGHTENED MEDICINE<\/strong><\/p>\nOf all the major UK cancer charities, we are almost alone in informing you that you really can increase your personal odds of beating cancer by building yourself a multi-layered set of complementary therapies around your doctor\u00b4s orthodox treatments. It is called Integrative Medicine.<\/p>\n
An Integrative Cancer Treatment Programme (often in the UK called an Integrated, or Holistic, Programme) may, for example, use stress management techniques, diet, an exercise therapy, supplements and so on, tailored to your personal circumstances.<\/p>\n
Top US oncologist, Dr Henry Friedman, calls it ENLIGHTENED MEDICINE.<\/p>\n
Experience tells us that there are eight possible areas in which to choose complementary therapies in order to be thorough and disciplined. And so we developed our unique cancer support plan -The ACTIVE8 Programme – to help you plan your own individual route forward. (CLICK HERE to go to the ACTIVE8 PROGRAMME).<\/p>\n
Please be clear:<\/strong> We do not treat, we do not advise. We merely provide the relevant information, laid out in front of you so you can make more informed choices. What you do with that information is your choice.<\/p>\nWe simply want you to cease being an average patient and, instead, to increase your personal odds of beating cancer well above the norm.<\/p>\n