Why Don’t We All Have Cancer?
VIDEO: Analysis Of Your Body’s Mistakes To Cause Cancer.
In the East, the second most consumed beverage following water is green tea. Soon research uncovered that chemicals in green tea were capable of blocking angiogenesis (growing tumors need a large blood supply), using the same mechanisms as existing medication. This in turn pointed researchers to foods and nutrition as methods of cancer treatment and prevention. Soon after, they came up with the “it” list for foods that fight cancer. These are among the more important: various kinds of cabbage, broccoli, garlic, soy, green tea, turmeric, raspberries, blueberries, tomatoes and dark chocolate (as long as it’s at least 70% cocoa).
You might be wondering what makes these foods so special. Well, “in nature when confronted with aggressions, vegetables can neither fight nor flee. To survive they must be armed with powerful molecules capable of defending them against bacteria, insects and bad weather. These molecules are phytochemical compounds with antimicrobial, antifungal and insecticide properties,” said Servan-Schreiber.
Those properties are the things that people with cancer need most in order to fight infection and block the cancer cell growth highways. If people with, or without cancer, can arm their bodies with the correct nutrients for healthy cell growth and mutated cell destruction, then they are well on their way to living the anti cancer lifestyle.
Thanks to Cancer Research UK! http://www.cancerresearchuk.org
Links to LEARN MORE and SOURCES are below.
follow me: http://www.twitter.com/tweetsauceRecently, Loros’s research team found that cell damage can trigger the body’s biological clock to reset itself. She suspects that protective proteins might fool these cells into thinking they’re at the time in their cycle when cell division doesn’t occur, thus averting cancer in the making.