What is Alkaline and why is it better than fluoridated water – Acidic Blood vs Alkaline Blood

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Alkaline purified water vs Fluoridated water & Acidic Blood.

Water is the most valuable resource in the world. After all this years we begin to understand that. About 70 percent of the human body and brain are made up from water.

Water is so vital to our survival in every sense of the word.

Alkaline water has the biggest level of hydration and is a excellent source of minerals vital to our body.

Find an alternative to fluoridated water and get the best kind of treatment for your immune system.

This is a video of Dr Vega’s research on Goji.
This is amazing proof that when taken in the right amounts, goji takes effect within 48 hours.

Fluoride is a poison and one of the major sources for causing Cancer and thyroid damage.

Symptoms that point to the fact that your body is too acidic are tiredness, headache, stomach ache and a weakened immune system.


If the environment in our bodies is too acid or alkaline, our otherwise healthy cells can become toxic, collapse and die. An unbalanced pH damages the tissues.


If the body experiences an acidic environment for a longer period, it will ultimately deposit excess acidic substances into some area of the body in efforts to alkalize itself.


In that way, acidity increases in some areas and some cells die, but others may still live and/or adapt or turn into malignant.


Cancer cells can’t live in alkaline water.


That’s why drinking alkaline water is very, very useful.


Our body surveillance systems are responsible for our pH balance values, so they remove acid residue without damaging living cells.

Boost your immunity and treat thyroid cancer by clicking here.

Source: Acidic Blood vs Alkaline Blood – YouTube

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