Tips to curing Insomnia – Get the facts here.

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People in super health states
* Respiratory frequency during sleep: 3-5 breaths per minute
* Body oxygenation: 2-3 minutes
* Duration of sleep: 2-3 hours (naturally and without trying)
* Ideal effortless sleep.

Hundreds of modern books promote a fable that the human body and mind recover at rest and especially during sleep.

However, dozens of clinical studies proved that chances of acute attacks and mortality rates are highest during sleep, from 4 to 7 am.

This relates to exacerbations and deaths due to heart attacks, strokes, seizures, asthma attacks and many other acute health problems.

This book provides a systematic analysis of sleep factors based on medical experience of more than 160 Soviet and Russian Buteyko doctors.

You can eat tons of supplements and super foods, drink canisters of super drinks, have 100’s of colonic irrigations, and practice yoga for hours every day,

but, if your breathing remains unchanged, your symptoms, chronic insomnia, and other health problems will likely to remain unchanged too. TO READ MORE CONTINUE TO THE BOTTOM

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