Tips to curing Insomnia – Get the facts here.

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The name of this legendary technique is the Buteyko breathing method. It includes breathing exercises, physical exercises, and lifestyle changes.

The Buteyko breathing method is based on the idea that slower and lighter breathing at rest increases O2 in cells, and improves health and quality of sleep curing chronic insomnia.

Here are the major clinical findings related to this new effortless sleep method that has been tested on 1,000’s of patients who cured their chronic insomnia:

Severely sick and hospitalized people
* Respiratory frequency during sleep: more than 26 breaths per minute
* Body oxygenation: less than 10 seconds
* Duration of sleep: often more than 10 hours
* Very poor sleep quality, likely chronic insomnia.

Majority of modern people
* Respiratory frequency during sleep: 15-26 breaths per minute
* Body oxygenation: 10-25 seconds
* Duration of sleep: usually more than 7 hours
* Poor sleep quality.

Healthy people (medical norms for breathing)
* Respiratory frequency during sleep: 10-12 breaths per minute
* Body oxygenation: 40 seconds
* Duration of sleep: about 6 hours
* Good quality of sleep, chronic insomnia cured. TO READ MORE CONTINUE TO THE BOTTOM..

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