Radiation: Negative Effects it Has on Humans

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The Result of Radiation Exposure | YOUR Health Is On The Line!

Radiation particles are emitted during radioactive decay the radiation particles produced are based on the size and energy level up. The items putting the alpha particles vadim articles and gamma rays, these are some other radiation wavelengths. The shorter the way in place the more damage because to human tissue exposure REM doses over 1,000 likely cause death.

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How does radiation cause health effects?
Radioactive materials that decay spontaneously produce ionizing radiation, which has sufficient energy to strip away electrons from atoms (creating two charged ions) or to break some chemical bonds. Any living tissue in the human body can be damaged by ionizing radiation in a unique manner. The body attempts to repair the damage, but sometimes the damage is of a nature that cannot be repaired or it is too severe or widespread to be repaired. Also mistakes made in the natural repair process can lead to cancerous cells.


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