Look up! What in the world are they doing up there?
Aluminum poisoning from the sprays that fall from the sky
SAN DIEGO, June 23, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — In a scientific article in Current Science (Indian Academy of Sciences), San Diego geoscientist, J. Marvin Herndon discloses: “Globally, for the past decade or more, with dramatically increasing intensity, our planet is being deliberately and clandestinely exposed to a non-natural substance which releases toxic mobile aluminum into the environment.
But there has been no public admission, no understanding, no academic investigations, no informed consent, and no disclosure as to the nature of the toxic substances being dispersed into the air.
Scientific evidence, later confirmed and extended, reveals that coal fly ash is the toxic substance being sprayed over humanity: In “… a side-by-side comparison of aluminum to barium (Al/Ba) weight ratios of rainwater and coal fly ash leachate … the range of Al/Ba values are virtually indistinguishable…
Protect yourself with these natural products.
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The chemtrail conspiracy theory holds that some contrails are actually chemicals or biological agents deliberately sprayed at high altitudes for a purpose undisclosed to the general public. Versions of the chemtrail conspiracy theory circulating on the internet and radio talk shows theorize that the activity is directed by government officials. As a result, federal agencies have received thousands of complaints from people who have demanded an explanation. The existence of chemtrails has been repeatedly denied by government agencies and scientists around the world. The reasons for these artifical chemtrail Clouds are as follows.
1. Missile Defense Shield
HAARP (The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program), first developed by Arco and funded by the U.S. Military, is designed to use artificial clouds “for military and civilian purposes.” With our ability to enhance the contrails to make them more conductive, we can channel high-powered energy pulses from HAARP, creating a shield to disable incoming nuclear warheads. Similarly, HAARP may be able to deflect or modify EMPs.
2. Weather Warfare
The fact that we can drastically alter the weather is common knowledge among warfare specialists, and has been part of modern military strategy since we proved it effective in the Vietnam War. (See the History Channel special That’s Impossible: Weather Warfare for more details about using weather for military purposes).
3. Wartime Communication Systems Medium
The conductive channels provided by enhanced contrail clouds can be used as a transmission channel for communications in the case of communications satellites being disabled. By similar science, enemy communications and surveillance could be disrupted.
Side Effects and Predictable Hazards from chemtrails
A) Lung disease, cancer, and other health issues
B) Saturation of soil, air and water with chemicals
C) Decimation or extinction of birds, bees and damage to the ecological cycles on Earth
D) Dependence on petroleum for national defense and security
E) Potential for HAARP energy pulses to affect the human brain
Take action to defend yourself against heavy metals.
Source: Mass death of birds and animals are connected to this ~ Chemtrails ABOVE YOUR HEAD – YouTube
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