How Salt Lamps Can Help Protect You From Harmful Radiation

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Why you should be concerned about EMF(radiation) exposure from your house hold devices.

Electricity is transmitted over long distances via high voltage power lines. Transformers reduce these high voltages for local distribution to homes and businesses. Electricity transmission and distribution facilities and residential wiring and appliances account for the background level of power frequency electric and magnetic fields in the home. In homes not located near power lines this background field may be up to about 0.2 µT. Directly beneath power lines the fields are much stronger. Magnetic flux densities at ground level can range up to several µT.

Electric field levels underneath power lines can be as high as 10 kV/m. However, the fields (both electric and magnetic) drop off with distance from the lines. At 50 m to 100 m distance the fields are normally at levels that are found in areas away from high voltage power lines. In addition, house walls substantially reduce the electric field levels from those found at similar locations outside the house.

You may do your part to prevent these conditions with proper hand washing, diet, rest, and exercise for example, but there happens to be another relaxing and fun way to increase your well-being and prevent illness, Himalayan salt lamps. Himalayan salt lamps are a great addition to your home or office because they are an energy efficient light source that also happens to provide health benefits. TO SEE MORE READ BELOW..

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