Get educated about Inflammation & The Immune system – Breakthrough discoveries

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VIDEO: Find out the amazing studies about the Brain’s direct communication with the gut, Inflammation & your immune system 

Your knowledge of this direct connection and the far reaching effects of such connections, allows you to learn and accept natural, safe, science-backed and drug free therapies that address those communications is very powerful.

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Inflammation starts with the gut’s microorganisms which  trigger the production of cytokines.

Cytokines are involved in regulating your immune system’s response to inflammation and infection.

The gut is the most pivotal when it comes to the Immune System. 

What is the gut-brain connection all about? How and why can our diets, stress, and toxic exposures influence our guts and therefore our mental health?

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Check this out how you can affect the communication with your brain, gut & immune system. Click Here.

Source: Direct Link Between Brain and Immune System Discovered

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