Get educated about Inflammation & The Immune system – Breakthrough discoveries

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VIDEO: Find out the amazing studies about the Brain’s direct communication with the gut, Inflammation & your immune system 

This communication between your “two brains” 1) The path that directly deals with inflammation and the immune system; and 2). the one that communicates with your stomach, travels both ways and is the pathway for how foods affect your mood or why anxiety can make you sick to your stomach, for examples. Indeed, both direct lines to and from the brain shed new light on these areas that will require a change in textbooks….Amazing!  Could this lead to cancer cures?

inflammation brain

Your gut also communicates with your brain, via what’s known as the (“gut-brain axis”) which is full of various microbial life.

In fact, in addition to your brain being connected and thus embedded in the wall of your gut, is your enteric nervous system (ENS), which works both independently of and in conjunction with the brain.Thus, the gut gives and gets information from the brain.  That includes your signals relating to your mood.  You don’t want to be depressed.



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