Find Out What The Healthiest Water To Drink is.

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The best time to drink water is first thing in the morning to wake up the digestive system from its dehydrated and contracted state, and 30 minutes before each meal. Water should be avoided during meals so as to not interfere with stomach acid and proper digestion. It should also be consumed around room temperature, save exceptionally hot days where extra cooling of the body may be required.

Since tap water all too often contains a variety of unhealthy contaminants, including microorganisms, heavy metals, chlorine, fluoride, and other impurities it is recommended that this water be filtered to remove these harmful impurities.

Water is available in a wide variety of formats. Some of the most common ways people consume it is through bottled water and filtering units such as reverse osmosis and alkaline water systems. Each of these ways has varying levels of convenience, purity, and minerals, and the benefits and drawbacks should be closely considered with each before choosing.

With toxins like fluoride and chlorine in our water supplies, it’s hard to know how to find clean water. Dr. Leonard Coldwell has some tips on how to make sure your water is as clean as it can be.

Source: This is the Healthiest Water to Drink – YouTube

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