Find Out What The Healthiest Water To Drink is.

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Independent Review On Water | What The Healthiest Kind of Water is.

When buying bottled water, consumers are advised to check the bottom of the bottle, in order to protect their health.

Plastic bottles labeled with letters like HDP, HDPE, PP and a few others, do not release any toxic material in the water, and the remaining letters can represent the chemicals found in the water you are drinking.

Every brand must label the content of the bottle, they will either have the letters, numbers or number symbols shown in the graphic.

To learn more click here.

Since water is the regulator of all the body’s functions, it is equated with life. It is the main source of energy transport for every cell in the body, conducting electrical and magnetic energy that supplies the power to live.

Water also facilitates energizing the skin’s many photo-sensitive and energy-sensitive nerve endings that receive and transmit signals, making them more responsive and enhancing the skin’s vitality. It also protects both the skin and mucous membrane barrier functions and acts as an antioxidant by flushing oxidants and other toxins out through the kidneys. In addition, the sinuses drain better when they are well hydrated and their mucous membrane is more resistant to infection.

One must also consider that the brain is made up of 80 percent water. Severe dehydration can lead to the inability to think clearly, and in severe cases, mental derangement.

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