CANCER – Are they coming back? Spread 🙄 🤷🏽‍♀️

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This reading is to ask the question for those who are continuously wondering and asking if whoever they have in mind is coming back. This reading is NOT for everybody.

** nobody knows your reality yet you **.
For those that need this message, lots of true blessings to you. All is well.

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Thank you for sustaining the new network, a house just for Cancers!

For Private Readings – check my about page. I read for all indications.

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** Remember timing is liquid, this reading may or might not resonate at any moment for you. This is a GENERAL consider the powers bordering the Cancerian collective. Use your own discernment. **.

#TheCancerianChannel #cancertarot.

© 2019 The Cancerian Channel, a house for Cancers.

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