Breast cancer: One of the Greatest Threats to a Woman’s Health

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VIDEO: Diet Tips- What to Eat to Prevent Breast Cancer.

As is the case with almost any disease, diet plays a big role. Keep reading to learn more about how breast cancer works and how you can protect yourself through your diet.

Nutrients You Need in Your Food
In general, the goal of protecting yourself from breast cancer is to get the full range of nutrients your body needs from food, rather than supplements. This means eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, cutting back on processed food, dialing back the red meat intake, and using a variety of herbs and spices in your cooking.
The greater variety of foods you eat, the more overall protection you may have from breast cancer.However, if you are ready to get started, these are some of the best foods you can eat to protect yourself from breast cancer.

Breast Cancer-Fighting Foods to Add to Your Diet
1. Cumin
Turmeric is one of the most powerful spices you can use in your cooking, and it turns out that it can also protect you from breast cancer. This is because of curcumin, a compound found in turmeric.If you want to increase your intake of curcumin, you may wish to take a supplement on top of using turmeric in your cooking. The body processes the supplement fairly well.

2. Garlic
Any excuse to eat garlic bread is a good one, right? Garlic contains allyl sulfide, a component that impacts cell cycling. When the process of cell cycling goes wrong, breast cancer cells develop. Garlic can stop this cycle from turning regular cells into cancerous cells.

3. Apples
Well, that heading may be a bit misleading. Though the fruit of the apple can help protect your body against cancer, the most important part of this fruit is the peel. The peel of an apple is full of antioxidants, chemical compounds that can keep free radicals out of your body and reduce the risk of the development of cancerous cells.

For best results, make sure you use organic apples. Conventional apples may have tons of pesticides on the peel.

4. Pomegranates
There is not a huge body of research looking at how pomegranate can affect the development of cancer, but what scientists have discovered so far is quite promising. A chemical compound found in pomegranates has been linked to a decrease in the growth and reproduction of cancerous cells.
This effect is especially prominent with estrogen-dependent cancers, such as breast and ovarian cancer.If you do not like the fruit, try drinking pomegranate juice or eating pomegranate seeds.The healthier you can make your diet, the more prepared your body should be to fight off any cancerous cells that come its way.

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