Best way to avoid poison in your water supply and toothpaste !!

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Great information providing you about Fluoridation (Poison in tap water & some bottled waters)

Fluoride has been used since the 40s in Nazi Germany, when it was used as a weapon against the general population.

Fluoride is a toxic waste and was dumped into the water supply to save money for companies that had to dispose of hazardous waste.

Educate yourself on researching which water brands are safe and fluoride-free to stay healthy.

Protect yourself and your loved ones from Fluoride learn more here.


Dr. Paul Connett, Professor of Chemistry at St. Lawrence University in New York, gives a damning interview on the history of water fluoridation, the collusion of major industries to put certified toxic waste into your drinking water, and why government health authorities refuse to conduct scientific studies into the dangers of fluoridation. Connett cites numerous studies which prove a link between moderate exposure to fluoride and lowered IQ in children.

Receive the tools you need to stop the cancerous effects of fluoride by checking this link here.

Fluoride’s impact on the pineal gland, which is a piece of brain tissue that sits in-between the two hemispheres of the brain, is key because fluoride attracts to this gland like a magnet. Researchers have found through animal studies that fluoride lowers the ability of the pineal gland to produce the hormone melatonin, which in turn shortens the time it takes to reach puberty, correlating with studies of fluoridated communities that show girls are on average menstruating 5 months earlier than those in non-fluoridated communities. Children are entering puberty at increasingly early stages and this is causing widespread concern, but health authorities have made no effort whatsoever to conduct any studies regarding this development and its link to fluoride.

Check your tube of toothpaste in the back label… if you swallow a pea sizel amount you’re instructed to call poison control. Learn more about how to stay healthy by clicking here.

Source: Professor Paul Connett: Your Toxic Tap Water – YouTube

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