Astounding GMO labeling will not be enforced

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Top concerns about Monsanto in the lead and the people’s rights are being picked at peice by peice

If the DARK Act becomes law, a veil of secrecy will cloak ingredients, leaving consumers with no way to know what’s in their food,” said Faber. “Consumers in 64 countries, including Saudi Arabia and China, have the right to know if their food contains GMOs. Why shouldn’t Americans have the same right?”

GE labeling is important to Americans, with over 90% consistently supporting transparency in the marketplace through mandatory GE labeling. In 2013 and 2014 there were over 70 GE labeling bills introduced across 30 states, with laws being passed in Maine, Connecticut, and Vermont. 

New Study Shows GMO Soy Accumulates Cancer Causing Chemical Formaldehyde. Breaking Bombshell: Right now Congress is getting ready to cut a deal with Monsanto to try to kill GMO labeling and common sense regulations on new GMO foods. Incredibly, at the same time, a groundbreaking new study released this week reveals that genetic engineering significantly disrupts basic cellular functions in GMO plants at an alarming level.

The DARK Act would shut down these efforts and reverse these successfully passed bills, only to be replaced with an undemocratic, hollow “voluntary” labeling scheme. In the 14 years that FDA has allowed companies to voluntarily label GE foods, a total of zero companies have done so.

This is not the solution consumers have been demanding and it is high time for lawmakers to wise up.

Thankfully, Congressman DeFazio and Senator Boxer have also reintroduced their bill to put in place mandatory, nationwide labeling of genetically engineered foods. Congress should focus on the labeling solutions that Americans are asking for – not legislation written by and for big food and chemical companies that only serves to keep Americans in the dark.

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