Are Lemon and Baking Soda Miraculous Healing Combinations?

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VIDEO: Amazing video on Cancer and Tumors Cure.

Therefore, from now onwards, spread the words about this simple but amazing cure to the people that really needs it! Many people die while this secret is jealously kept in order to not affect the interests of the large corporations.

Also lemons have very strong anti-microbial effect with very wide range of activity against fungal and bacterial infections. Lemons are effective against worms and internal parasites. It is a powerful antidepressant and regulates the blood pressure, reduces stress and calms the nerves.


Bailey was diagnosed with a Tumorous Cancer that was causing him to cough and have pain, his skin was itchy, and as result of itching he was pulling out his hair to the point of bald patches, his fur was also quite dry. He would also become quite disoriented, and had hearing loss. A Qualified Vet had confirmed my Tumor diagnosis. I asked her for 10 pain killers for the hard days and some ear drops for his hearing.

Treatment given
Ear drops were daily with great results on his hearing.
The Strong pain killer that was prescribed by the vet was only given once on a bad day were the dog looked like he was in much pain, this was early on.

the following was given on a as required basis, drying fur, glossy eyes, no energy signs

My treatment:
oysters in oil every few days, sometimes only once a week.
Omega 3,6,9 oil capsule poke hole with fork place in spoon crush one Bayer reg strength Aspirin once weekly, or as needed but, no more than once a week as not to thin the blood.
Omega 3,6,9 capsule with crushed Advil once weekly can increase up to 3 times weekly, as you notice he may need it (signs of pain or glossy eyes).
small canned baby shrimp 1 time per 2 weeks.

Baileys results:
His fur grew back, his hair was soft as it should be, his sight and hearing improved, he had more energy, was happy, had no signs of continual pain, nor symptoms of any suffering, played with the 2year old dog we also have, enjoyed going for long walks right up too the day I sadly lost him from a sudden unexpected seizure, that gave me no other option than to say good bye. I wish to note that that the day prior he gladly went for a walk sometimes running for over 2 miles, then on his day 2 minutes before anything happened he was playing outside with the other dog. it also helped with any of his arthritis I believe.

For my Dog, I believe that the above helped him Enjoy a full quality of life, free of pain. There is no guarantees, nor promises, but it was great for him, and hope it works as well for you as I am sure I received many more months of good time with my best Friend.

After reading more online on cancers, I would have also tried adding in, from time to time some canned asparagus, to see if results would have been even better.



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