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ANTI-AGING SKINCARE YOU WON’T DISCOVER ON TIKTOK Skin Doctor @DrDrayzday on ADVANCED anti-aging skin care principles you require to understand to resolve the skin aging process. The scientific research of skin aging and the best anti-aging skin care products and skin care regimen for anti-aging.

Krutmann J, Bouloc A, Sore G, Bernard Bachelor’s Degree, Passeron T. The skin aging exposome. PMID: 27720464.
McDaniel D, Farris P, Valacchi G. Atmospheric skin aging-Contributors and inhibitors. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2018 Apr; 17( 2 ):124 -137. doi: 10.1111/ jocd.12518. PMID: 29575554.
Farris PK, Valacchi G. Ultraviolet Light Protection: Is It Really Enough? PMID: 36009203; PMCID: PMC9405175.
Pambianchi E, Ferrara F, Pecorelli A, Benedusi M, Choudhary H, Therrien JP, Valacchi G. Deferoxamine Treatment Improves Antioxidant Cosmeceutical Formulation Protection against Cutaneous Diesel Engine Exhaust Exposure. Antioxidants (Basel). 2021 Nov 30; 10( 12 ):1928. doi: 10.3390/ antiox10121928. PMID: 34943031; PMCID: PMC8750544.

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